BC Referendum Video

Here’s a video explaining the options on the 2018 BC Referendum. The options include the current First Past the Post voting system, and three forms of proportional representation. Here’s how each proportional system is summarized in the video:

  • Dual Member Proportional maintains 100% local MLAs
  • Mixed Member Proportional mixes local and regional representation
  • Rural Urban Proportional maximizes voter choice

The video was animated and produced by Brendan Gallagher, and I collaborated with him on writing the script. Hopefully it will help British Columbians learn about proportional representation and gain a basic understanding of the options.

Article on Ranked Ballots for Toronto

Toronto City Hall (photo credit: Jérôme Decq)

The Ranked Ballot Initiative of Toronto (RaBIT) campaigns for the adoption of ranked ballots (or instant-runoff voting) for municipal elections. I recently wrote an article for their blog. The article explains why proportional representation advocates (like me!) should support their cause — even though ranked ballots alone do not achieve proportionality. Here’s it is:

Why Ranked Ballots are the Right Reform, Right Now, for Toronto

If you read the article and have any thoughts, please comment here.


Bon MMP, Bad MMP

The National Assembly of Wales, a bad example of MMP (image source)

Many Canadians are calling for our provincial and federal elections to be conducted using the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) voting system.1 If Canada does make this transition, it is extremely important that we adopt a good MMP model and not a bad one. What’s the difference? I claim that a simple rule distinguishes between good and bad MMP voting systems:

  •  A good MMP model is one where a vote for a district candidate counts as a vote for their party.
  •  A bad MMP model is one where a vote for a district candidate does not count as a vote for their party.

A bad MMP model will perpetuate if not exacerbate tactical voting. It will fail to make parties more accountable to the electorate in every region. It might create the perception that there are two classes of representatives, one superior to the other. It might leave many voters with less confidence in Canadian democracy.

A good MMP model, on the other hand, will simply improve Canadian democracy without introducing any serious adverse effects. Continue reading →